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Kirby Hall Intervention


A Model Articulation + The Unbecoming

Description: I had to design a compelling space for four people. This intervention carves into one of the schools' dorms, Kirby Smith Hall. + The layered disarticulation of Kirby Smith Hall and my intervention.

Kirby Smith Penthouse

          This luxurious penthouse is situated on the southern face of Kirby in the middle of the building and it’s made of three floors that will accommodate even the richest of guests. You step through its middle floor entering the living room and kitchen areas where you can see the main staircase which can lead you to either the master bedrooms or the marvelous observatory up the stairs which overlooks all of Baton Rouge. The living room staircase is the only thing connecting both the observatory and the bedroom spaces since the only entrance to the penthouse is on its living room floor. This allows the owners to have power over their privacy. Every floor you encounter will have a slight difference in sizing and give the person a different feel throughout the penthouse and another feature is the large crown at the top of the intervention where the observatory is given off a feeling of power and elegance.

            As for the inevitable unbecoming of Kirby, this is years after the last man on earth took his last breath, and now everything man has ever made is left to deal with nature alone. As you can imagine with no one to maintain them, they soon become prey to the elements as you can see in the penthouse. It becomes a home for termites and sooner than later the concrete floors begin to creep until it all just gives way and the last recognizable elements for the penthouse are its rubble.

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